You want to report a concern online? Choose your language to access to the website :

You want to report a concern by phone :

Country Phone Step 1 Phone Step 2
Argentina 0800 444 4744  
Belgium 0 800 12 721  
Brasil 0800 892 0708  
China 4006013652  
France 0800 90 8562  
Italy 800 783210  
Netherlands 0800 0222709  
Poland 00 800 151 0163  
Roumania 800 400 836  
Spain 900 814 793  
Taiwan 00 801 102 880 855 409 0182
Cambodia 1800209354  
Hong Kong 800 96 1764  
India 000 117 855-409-0182
Turkey 0811 288 0001 855-409-0182
Vietnam 1 228 0288 ou 1 201 0288 855-409-0182

If your country isn’t in the list, please file your report using the online reporting system.